Bill Farquharson’s Print Sales Tip for the week of June 22, 2015

Good morning!

Okay, we are on the cusp of a unique time of year, one that affords a unique opportunity.

Here in the States, next week and the week that follows sandwich the Fourth of July. This is typically a slower time of year and one where many customers grab an extra day off. If you are one of the fortunate who do as well, terrific. Enjoy it and get recharged.

If, however, you will be at work, like me, you might consider a different use of your time. Naturally, it would be ideal if you had appointments set up but I suspect that will not be the case.

Here are three suggestions:
Get organized— Clear off your desk, go through your notes, read old emails and just generally take some time to clean up. Typically speaking, we tend to get scattered and messy. Take the time to get refocused and centered.
Call existing accounts— Find out what their summer plans are, both personally and professionally. Perhaps it is time for an account review.
Prospect!— Think about calling a prospect and saying something like, “During the summer months when things slow down, isn’t this a great time to entertain some new ideas from a new vendor?” That just might land you an appointment.

The point is that this is not wasted time. You have an opportunity to do some things that you won’t have time for once business picks up again after the holiday. Take advantage.

Start now by making a list of those non-urgent, non-important to do items that you never seem to get to. Watch a few Ted Talks or perhaps a training video or two.

Now is the time to “Sharpen the saw.” Whether you are working during the slower days or not, make the most of them.


New Sales Challenge starts July 5


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PagePath Technologies, Inc. Is a leader in Web-to-Print storefronts.

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